7 Marketing Trends That Will Define Success in 2022

cbirawan June 1, 2017 No Comments

7 Marketing Trends That Will Define Success in 2022

In the past, marketing was about getting your name out there. In 2022 though, it will be about creating an effective brand, compelling storytelling and measuring the success of that story. It’s no longer enough to create a brand and expect it to sell.

Effective marketing tactics in the past have revolved around using the right platforms for promotion, creating ads that targeted specific audiences or demographics through keywords and hashtags on social media sites with retargeting campaigns where possible.

Marketing in 2022 is going to require business owners who are willing to take risks, invest in their branding, listen more intently than ever before when engaging with customers online or face failure as competition continues to grow at unprecedented rates.

Effective marketing requires both long-term thinking and short-term quick wins, which is why effective storytelling will be even more pivotal to a company’s success than ever before.

Video marketing will become crucial to the success of your marketing plan

Video marketing is the future of marketing.

This might sound like hyperbole, but there’s data to back it up. Search engine giant Google has announced that YouTube reaches more 18-34 and 18-49 year-olds than any cable network in the United States. Facebook reports that video posts receive six times more engagement than photo or link posts on average while Twitter has seen an increase in video views by over 160%.

So what does this mean for marketers?

It means that if you aren’t incorporating video into your strategy, you are missing out on a huge opportunity to connect with your audience and build trust with them. Video is key for creating customer relationships because it puts a human voice behind the brand, which builds credibility and loyalty with customers.

Categories : Trends